Need a better website? No problem.

Rebuilding a website is like assembling a digital puzzle with a hundred moving pieces—but that’s exactly where I thrive. From content to code, I connected all the dots to create a seamless, high-performance experience.

Key Highlights:

  • Aligned to new brand identity simultaneously (and artfully) crafted alongside web work

  • 80+ pages across 3 subdomains

  • Produced and integrated 8 demo videos with fully descriptive transcripts for accessibility

  • Developed SEO-optimized content to drive organic traffic and improve search rankings

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to create demo pages that showcase key features and solutions

  • Ensured the site met high standards for user experience, accessibility, and performance

  • Developed promotional campaign to generate excitement (and traffic!) for new website

  • On-time & under budget

  • Happy stakeholders


Event - Internal, Remote


Event - Marketing Conference